Welcome to my website
In the Deichstreet / Steintwiete in Hamburg lies the "Stolperstein" of my grandfather Karl Jonny Hagen. He was convicted together with his friends Hermann Jünemann, Josef Wieczorek and Otto Schmahl.
On the following pages you will find the history of my family, which suffered under the National Socialists in Hamburg. My grandfather was in the KPD and died as a resistance fighter. My grandmother was of Jewish origin.
The trunk trees of the families Kallohn, Kothe, Wolff, Kuncke
and Sierau are deposited on the following pages.
Pictures of Hamburg, Bismarckstein, Poolstreet and Neuhof
Pictures from the First world war and Breisach in Freiburg
If the recognition marks appear, please mail.
Karl Jonny Hagen EKM: Shooter 41-2. / Afr. Protection Regiment 963
Walter Sierau EKM: 8386-St.Kp.L.S.E.u.A.B.10
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I wish you much fun with the read.
Bärbel Klein